[lacnog] IPv6 Transitional Uncertainties
Carlos A. Afonso
ca en cafonso.ca
Mar Sep 13 19:15:43 BRT 2011
Thanks much, Geoff Huston! This is a sort of relief for me -- and makes
me worry even more. Finally a "cappo dei cappi" presents a reality check
account of the situation, and I quote one of the most relevant parts of
his article:
"There an additional challenge here that is formidable, and one that was
largely unforeseen when IPv6 was being designed. At the time there was
the general impression that the telecommunications industry behaved
prudently, and given the warnings of the prospect of exhaustion of the
IPv4 address space, industry actors, being prudent and risk averse,
would embark on the transition to IPv6 well in advance of IPv4 address
exhaustion. And one or two did. But everyone else did not. And now we
have the challenge of trying to undertake this dual stack transition
while one stack is critically short of further address space. This
factor radically alters the dynamics of the transition. In order to make
the IPv4 part of the transition work for the requisite number of
additional years it will be necessary to deploy additional "middleware"
in the network, and head in a different direction architecturally."
When I tried to mention these concerns (at the recent regional preIGF
meeting in Trinidad) and raise the fact that ARIN in practice ended up
hoarding a massive number of IPv4 addresses while all other RIRs seem
happy with it, I was met with disbelief and my concerns were just
dismissed -- it seems all RIRs are satisfied with the fact that nearly
90 in every 100 IPv4 addresses still remaining (even though ARIN may try
to convince us they are all "allocated") are held by ARIN, that the
Internet will continue to grow everywhere and will continue to need
those "exhausted" addresses as Huston reminds us, that ARIN and the
other RIRs sat quiet when the "industry" turned IPv4 into a commodity
which is to become very expensive very soon, and so on and so forth.
On 09/13/2011 12:10 PM, Arturo Servin wrote:
> Interesantes observaciones de Geoff Huston.
> http://www.circleid.com/posts/ipv6_transitional_uncertainties/
> "If we want a single working Internet at the end of all of this, then we need to keep an eye on the larger picture of network evolution during transition. We need to find ways for self interest and local interest to converge with what is in our common interest."
> Por cierto, Geoff H. será uno de los keynotes del evento de LACNOG/LACNIC en Buenos Aires:
> http://lacnic.net/sp/eventos/lacnicxvi/agenda/lacxvi.html
> http://eventos.lacnic.net/evra/publico?la=en&id=191017&cod=info
> Saludos,
> as
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