[LACNIC/Politicas] [Fwd: [sig-policy] IPv6 Policy Proposal - prop-030-v001]
Raul Echeberria
raul at lacnic.net
Thu Aug 11 09:53:19 BRT 2005
Paso esta propuesta que Geoff Huston ha hecho en la lista de políticas
de APNIC para ser considerada en su próxima reunión.
Me parece muy interesante porque va en la línea de algunas de las cosas
que se discutieron en LACNIC VIII en Lima.
Asumo que muchos estarán de acuerdo con estas ideas.
Dear friends:
I am attaching the proposal that has been made by Geoff Huston in the
APNIC Policy list, to be considered in the upcoming APNIC meeting.
It seems to me very interesting, because it goes in the same direction
that most of the comments made by the participants of LACNIC VIII on
this topic.
I guess that many of you will agree with these ideas.
Caros amigos:
Envio esta proposta que Geoff Huston fez na lista de políticas de APNIC
para ser considerada na sua próxima reunião.
Acho muito interessante porque segue a mesma linha de algumas das coisas
que se discutiram no LACNIC VIII em Lima.
Acredito que muitos vão concordar com essas idéias.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [sig-policy] IPv6 Policy Proposal - prop-030-v001
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2005 11:26:26 +1000
From: Geoff Huston <gih at apnic.net>
To: sig-policy at lists.apnic.net
CC: save at apnic.net, stephan at telstra.net
Attached are text, pdf and word versions of a IPv6 policy proposal for consideration at APNIC-20
Geoff Huston
Stephan Millet
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