[Iot-lacnog] IETF Berlin

Christian O'Flaherty oflaherty at isoc.org
Tue Jul 19 05:41:16 BRT 2016

Hola, los que participarán en forma remota en algún WG del IETF recuerden registrarse. Lo mismo para quienes participan desde un Hub.

Registro (sin costo para participantes remotos): https://ietf.org/meeting/register.html

Agenda en UTC https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/96/agenda-utc

Si desean organizar un Hub: http://goo.gl/forms/74A3BnHRG7QwmlNH3

Grupos de Trabajo hoy Martes (horarios de Berlin):

1000-1230  Morning Session I
Potsdam III             ART     slim            Selection of Language for Internet Media WG - 10:00-11:30
Potsdam III             GEN     imtg            International Meeting Arrangements BOF - 11:30-12:30
Bellevue                INT     6man            IPv6 Maintenance WG
Potsdam I               IRTF    irtfopen        IRTF Open Meeting
Tiergarten              OPS     opsawg          Operations and Management Area Working Group WG - Combined with OPSAREA
Schoeneberg             RTG     idr             Inter-Domain Routing WG
Charlottenburg II/III   SEC     tls             Transport Layer Security WG
Charlottenburg I        TSV     nfsv4           Network File System Version 4 WG
Potsdam II              TSV     rmcat           RTP Media Congestion Avoidance Techniques WG

1230-1345  Upcoming ZSK and KSK Changes to the Root Zone - Bellevue

1400-1600  Afternoon Session I
Tiergarten              ART     cellar          Codec Encoding for LossLess Archiving and Realtime transmission WG
Charlottenburg II/III   ART     core            Constrained RESTful Environments WG
Schoeneberg             ART     stir            Secure Telephone Identity Revisited WG
Potsdam III             RTG     rtgwg           Routing Area Working Group WG
Charlottenburg I        SEC     ipsecme         IP Security Maintenance and Extensions WG
Bellevue                SEC     tokbind         Token Binding WG
Potsdam II              TSV     ippm            IP Performance Metrics WG
Potsdam I               TSV     l4s             Low Latency Low Loss Scalable throughput BOF

1620-1820  Afternoon Session II
Charlottenburg I        ART     avtcore         Audio/Video Transport Core Maintenance WG - 17:20-18:20
Charlottenburg I        ART     avtext          Audio/Video Transport Extensions WG - 1620-1720
Potsdam II              ART     uta             Using TLS in Applications WG
Schoeneberg             ART     webpush         Web-Based Push Notifications WG - CANCELED
Potsdam III             IRTF    t2trg           Thing-to-Thing
Tiergarten              OPS     netmod          NETCONF Data Modeling Language WG
Potsdam I               RTG     rtgarea         Routing Area Open Meeting
Bellevue                SEC     dots            DDoS Open Threat Signaling WG
Charlottenburg II/III   TSV     tcpinc          TCP Increased Security WG

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