[lacnog] 25,000 LIRs - An End to the Milestone Highs? [ripe]

Ricardo Patara patara en registro.br
Jue Oct 3 15:50:57 -03 2019

Hi Mehmet,

I agree with that. RIPE has been the RIR with most members for a long time and 
has bee doing a great job.

My highlight was regarding the intents by companies to bypass the rules. Only that.


Ricardo Patara

On 03/10/2019 14:31, Mehmet Akcin wrote:
> I think RIPE did good job managing demand and allowed small companies to grow. 
> It's a big change time.
> On Thu, Oct 3, 2019 at 10:04 AM Ricardo Patara <patara en registro.br 
> <mailto:patara en registro.br>> wrote:
>     Articulo interesante:
>     https://labs.ripe.net/Members/wilhelm/25-000-lirs-an-end-to-the-milestone-highs
>     En especial, esa parte:
>     "The peak is at the fourth quarter of 2015, from which 40%, 287 out 723 LIRs,
>     are no longer active. This is a direct effect of members opening multiple LIRs.
>     When the two-year holding period on new allocations, required by the IPv4
>     policy, expires, members can merge any additional LIRs with their primary LIR,
>     or transfer the allocation to someone else and close the account."
>     saludos
>     -- 
>     Ricardo Patara
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