[lacnog] Subasignación de prefijos a otro ASN y el tema con los RoA
Mike Burns
mike en iptrading.com
Jue Feb 3 17:24:27 -03 2022
Not true, Rubens, there is no prohibition on leasing non-legacy blocks.
There is a difference between initial justification requirements, where leasing is NOT a justified need, and leasing already registered addresses.
You can't get new addresses by saying you plan to lease them out.
If you have addresses already, you can lease them out.
In RIPE, you don't have to give any reason to purchase Ipv4, so you could say I want to purchase IPv4 so that I can rent them out. People are doing that today because there is a need for those services, and they ARE NOT PROHIBITED.
I have been leasing non-legacy addresses to clients all around the world, including Latin America, for nearly a decade. I am not hiding, if there is a prohibition, maybe I would have heard about it?
There is a lot of misinformation being peddled here.
Sorry for the English.
-----Original Message-----
From: LACNOG <lacnog-bounces en lacnic.net> On Behalf Of Rubens Kuhl
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2022 3:04 PM
To: Latin America and Caribbean Region Network Operators Group <lacnog en lacnic.net>
Subject: Re: [lacnog] Subasignación de prefijos a otro ASN y el tema con los RoA
Leasing of legacy IANA assigned IP blocks is not prohibited. Leasing of RIR-assigned blocks is very unlikely to be allowed, since that reasoning for getting an IP block would need to be specified at request time. The risk in leasing RIR-assigned blocks is very high, and those IPs are the blood diamonds of the Internet age.
On Thu, Feb 3, 2022 at 4:48 PM Mike Burns <mike en iptrading.com> wrote:
> Untrue, leasing is not prohibited, if it were, there wouldn’t be sites like ipxo.com.
> Do a google search for “ipv4 leasing” and see how prohibited it is.
> Fernando, can you do us the favor of pointing out where leasing is prohibited in policy or law?
> I have already told you that advertising blocks under the ASN of non-owners of the block is perfectly acceptable and commonplace among cloud providers who offer “bring-your-own-addresses” services, like Oracle and AWS.
> Salvador, you can certainly get ROAs for leased blocks, except where RPKI is prohibited, as it is for ARIN legacy holders who haven’t signed a registration agreement.
> If you need to lease blocks with an ROA, it is not difficult to find lessors that will offer that.
> Regards,
> Mike Burns
> From: LACNOG <lacnog-bounces en lacnic.net> On Behalf Of Fernando
> Frediani
> Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2022 2:27 PM
> To: lacnog en lacnic.net
> Subject: Re: [lacnog] Subasignación de prefijos a otro ASN y el tema
> con los RoA
> Hola Salvador
> Como mencionaste que están involucrados brokers/renters de IP, es claro que estamos hablando de arrendamiento de direcciones IP y es importante aclarar algunos puntos importantes para que nadie esté operando direcciones registradas en la región de LACNIC de manera incorrecta. Con o sin existencia de ROAs para el prefijo en cuestión *en la región de LACNIC* (y en algunas otras regiones del mundo) *no se permite el arrendamiento o préstamo de direcciones IP de un ASN a otro*.
> Independiente el motivo, ya sea por escasez de direcciones IPv4 o por otro, no está permitido arrendamiento y no es correcto que una ASN alquile direcciones registradas en la región LACNIC a otra ASN.
> Incluso se pueden utilizar prefijos registrados en otras regiones que lo permitan, pero no los registrados en la región de LACNIC.
> Las únicas 2 formas de lidiar con este problema aquí son el proceso de Transferencias de prefijos de un ASN a otro de manera definitiva (que puede ser facilitado por un intermediario) o con mayor uso de IPv6 y menor dependencia de IPv4.
> Por lo tanto, incluso si la propuesta de política LAC-2020-10 llega a un consenso, no podría usarse para los prefijos de la región de LACNIC si se están arrendando a otra ASN.
> Los ASN quien hizo sus prefijos registrados per LACNIC estén disponibles para alquiler a través de un intermediario corren el riesgo de caer en el proceso de recuperación.
> Fernando
> Em 03/02/2022 15:31, Salvador Bertenbreiter escreveu:
> Hola a todos,
> Espero estén bien, hay un tema sobre el cual me gustaría iniciar la conversación, IP brokers/renters y certificados RoA.
> Due to the exhaustion of IPv4 blocks, new ISPs that are getting their ASN and IPv6 block in LACNIC are needed to obtain at least one IPv4 /24 block with an IP broker (or similar). Because even if they are delivering IPv6 addressing to their clients, they still need even a /24 to raise bgp in IPv4 and then do CG-NAT for that traffic.
> The problem I see is that most, at least of the several I've had contact with, of IP brokers (and international carriers that undersign IPs) are not offering to issue a RoA for prefixes that they sub-assign to another ASN, which I think is a problem as it breaks the path to greater adoption of RPKI. How do you think this situation could be improved/solved?
> Saludos,
> Salvador
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